Richard Flanagan: The Unknown Terrorist

Front cover of Richard Flanagan: The Unknown Terrorist

October, 2014

Simply told and similar to Arthur & George in that narration/perspective is shared among the major characters.

Flanagan carries a moralizing tone throughout, very overbearing and slightly obnoxious, especially as I found it incongruous that he allows his characters to have these apprently philosophical insights and yet still have them carry on in their senselessly, almost shameless, shallow behaviour. Not to mention that I think Flanagan exaggerates societies excesses to make his point.

I would also say the Doll is surely as insane as Doris Lessing’s Good Terrorist.

Aside: The book was reviewed by the First Tuesday Book Club, where Germaine Greer really lays into the book. Although Greer is her usual inflammatory self, I think her substantives points are reasonable.