F.R. Leavis: D.H. Lawrence/Novelist

Front cover of F.R. Leavis: D.H. Lawrence/Novelist

March, 2014

Seems to be very reactionary, very much in response to the criticisms of and general low esteem Lawrence was held at the time. T.S. Eliot was one outspoken critic, and Leavis spends a considerable number of pages tracing and rebutting his opinion.

The reactionary nature, to my mind, at times, appears to lead Leavis astray. For example, when trying to address the criticism that Lawrence has no sense of humour, Leavis argues that Lawrence is an exceptional comic writer.

On all other points though, I’m am more than sympathetic with Leavis’ position and was surprised at some of the criticisms leveled at Lawrence, which are so contrary to how I perceive Lawrence and his work. (TODO examples please)