Exercise 1.40 -- 1.46

Exercise 1.40

Define a procedure cubic that can be used together with the newtons-method procedure in expressions of the form

(newtons-method (cubic a b c) 1)

to approximate zeros of the cubic $x^3+ax^2+bx+c$.


(define (cubic a b c)
    (lambda (x) (+ (* x x x) (* a x x) (* b x) c)))

Exercise 1.41

Define a procedure, double, that takes a procedure of one argument as argument and returns a procedure that applies the original procedure twice. For example, if inc is a procedure that adds 1 to its argument, then (double inc) should be a procedure that adds 2. What value is returned by

(((double (double double)) inc) 5)


(define (double f)
    (lambda (x) (f (f x))))

(define (inc x) (+ x 1))

(((double (double double)) inc) 5)
; 21

We find that inc has been evaluated 16 times. This can be shown using the substitution model – the full parenthetical nightmare can be found on Github.

Exercise 1.42

Let $f$ and $g$ be two one-argument functions. The composition $f$ after $g$ is defined to be the function $x\mapsto f(g(x))$. Define a procedure compose that implements composition. For example, if inc is a procedure that adds 1 to its argument,

((compose square inc) 6)
; 49


(define (compose f g)
    (lambda (x) (f (g x))))

Exercise 1.43

If $f$ is a numerical function and $n$ is a positive integer, then we can form the $n$-th repeated application of $f$, which is defined to be the function whose value at $x$ is $f(f(\ldots(f(x))\ldots))$. For example, if $f$ is the function $x\mapsto x+1$ then the $n$-th repeated application of $f$ is the function $x\mapsto x+n$. If $f$ is the operation of squaring a number, then the $n$-th repeated application of $f$ is the function that raises its arguments to the $2^n$-th power. Write a procedure that takes as inputs a procedure that computes $f$ and a positive integer $n$ and returns the procedure that computes the $n$-th repeated application if $f$. Your procedure should be able to be used as follows:

((repeated square 2) 5)
; 625

Hint: You may find it convenient to use compose from Exercise 1.42.


(define (compose f g)
    (lambda (x) (f (g x))))

(define (double f)
    (compose f f))

(define (repeated f n)
    (cond ((= n 1) f)
          ((even? n) (double (repeated f (/ n 2))))
          (else (compose f (repeated f (- n 1))))))

((repeated square 2) 5)
; 625

Exercise 1.44

The idea of smoothing a function is an important concept in signal processing. If $f$ is a function and $dx$ us some small number, then the smoothed version of $f$ is the function whose value at a point $x$ is the average of $f(x-dx)$, $f(x)$, and $f(x+dx)$. Write a procedure that that takes as input a procedure that computes $f$ and returns a procedure that computes the smoothed $f$. It is sometimes valuable to repeatedly smooth a function (that is, smooth the smoothed function, and so on) to obtain the $n$-fold smoothed function. Show how to generate the $n$-fold smoothed function of any given function using smooth and repeated from Exercise 1.43.


(define dx 0.00001)

(define (smooth f) 
    (lambda (x) (/ (+ (f x) (f (+ x dx)) (f (- x dx))) 3)))

(define (n-fold-smooth f n)
    ((repeated smooth n) f))

Exercise 1.45

We saw in Section 1.3.3 that attempting to compute square roots by naively finding a fixed point of $x\mapsto x/y$ does not converge, and that this can be fixed by average damping. The same method works for finding cube roots as fixed points of the average-damped $y\mapsto x/y^2$. Unfortunately, the process does not work for fourth roots – a single average damp is not enough to make a fixed-point search for $y\mapsto x/y^3$ converge. Do some experiments to determine how many average damps are required to compute $n$-th roots as a fixed-point search based upon repeated average damping of $y\mapsto x/y^{n-1}$. Use this to implement a simple procedure for computing $n$-th roots using fixed-point, average-damp, and the repeated procedure of Exercise 1.43. Assume that any arithmetic operations you need are available as primitives.


Some previously defined procedures:

; finds fixed point of a function, print successive guesses (Ex1.36)
(define (fixed-point f first-guess)
    (define (close-enough? v1 v2)
        (< (abs (- v1 v2)) tolerance))
    (define (try guess)
        (display guess)
        (let ((next (f guess)))
             (if (close-enough? guess next)
                 (try next))))
    (try first-guess))

; (Sec1.3.4)
(define (average-damp f)
    (lambda (x) (/ (+ x (f x)) 2)))

; (Sec1.3.4)
(define (fixed-point-of-transform g transform guess)
    (fixed-point (transform g) guess))

We will also use compose, double and repeated defined in Exercise 1.43.

(define tolerance 0.00001)

(define (cuberoot x)
    (fixed-point-of-transform (lambda (y) (/ x (expt y 2)))

(define (fourth-root x)
    (fixed-point-of-transform (lambda (y) (/ x (expt y 3)))
                              (repeated average-damp 2)

(define (fifth-root x)
    (fixed-point-of-transform (lambda (y) (/ x (expt y 4)))
                              (repeated average-damp 2)

(define (sixth-root x)
    (fixed-point-of-transform (lambda (y) (/ x (expt y 5)))
                              (repeated average-damp 2)

(define (seventh-root x)
    (fixed-point-of-transform (lambda (y) (/ x (expt y 6)))
                              (repeated average-damp 2)
(define (eighth-root x)
    (fixed-point-of-transform (lambda (y) (/ x (expt y 7)))
                              (repeated average-damp 3)

It appears that the number of repeated applications of average-damp needed to calculate the $n$-th root of a number using the fixed-point method is the largest integer less than $\log_2 n$. We therefore define the nth-root procedure as

(define (nth-root x n)
    (fixed-point-of-transform (lambda (y) (/ x (expt y (- n 1))))
                              (repeated average-damp
                                        (floor (/ (log n) (log 2))))

Exercise 1.46

Several of the numerical methods described in this section are instances of an extremely general computational strategy known as iterative improvement. Iterative improvement says that, to compute something, we start with an initial guess for the answer, test if the guess is good enough, and otherwise improve the guess and continue the process using the improved guess as the new guess. Write a procedure iterative-imporve that takes two procedures as arguments: a method for telling whether a guess is good enough and a method for improving a guess. iterative-improve should return as its value a procedure that takes a guess as argument and keeps improving the guess until it is good enough. Rewrite the sqrt procedure of Section 1.1.7 and the fixed-point procedure of Section 1.3.3 in terms of iterative-improve.


(define (iterative-improve good-enough? improve-guess)
    (lambda (x)
        (if (good-enough? x)
            ((iterative-improve good-enough? improve-guess)
             (improve-guess x)))))

(define (sqrt x)
    ((iterative-improve (lambda (y) (< (abs (- (square y) x)) 0.0001))
                        (lambda (y) (/  (+ y (/ x y)) 2.0)))

(define (fixed-point f)
    (let ((improve-guess (lambda (x) (f x))))
         (define good-enough?
             (lambda (x) (< (abs (- x (improve-guess x))) 0.0001)))
         ((iterative-improve good-enough? improve-guess) 1.0)))

(define (sqrt1 x)
    (fixed-point (lambda (y) (/ (+ y (/ x y)) 2.0))))