Exercise 2.21 -- 2.23

Exercise 2.21

The procedure square-list takes a list of numbers as arguments and returns a list of the square of those numbers.

(square-list (list 1 2 3 4))
; (1 4 9 16)

Here are two different definitions of square-list. Complete both of them by filling in the missing expressions:

(define (square-list items)
    (if (null? items)
        (cons <??> <??>)))

(define (square-list items)
    (map <??> <??>))


(define (square-list items)
    (if (null? items)
        (cons (square (car items)) (square-list (cdr items)))))

(define (square-list items)
    (map square items))

Exercise 2.22

Louise Reasoner tries to rewrite the first sqaure-list procedure of Exercise 2.21 so that it evolves an iterative process:

(define (square-list items)
    (define (iter things answer)
        (if (null? things)
            (iter (cdr things)
                  (cons (square (car things))
    (iter items nil))

Unfortunately, defining square-list this way produced the answer list in the reverse order of the one desired. Why?

Louis then tries to fix this bug by interchanging the arguments to cons:

(define (square-list items)
    (define (iter things answer)
        (if (null? things)
            (iter (cdr things)
                  (cons answer
                        (square (car things))))))
    (iter items nil))

This doesn’t work either. Explain.


In the first procedure the car of items is squared and prepended to answer. This causes the list to be reversed.

In the second procedure, although individual elements are appended to answer, (car answer) now results in a list instead of a single value and (cdr answer) results in square of (car items), that is, answer is nested the wrong way.

Exercise 2.23

The procedure for-each is similar to map. It takes as arguments a procedure and a list of elements. However, rather than forming a list of the results, for-each just applies the procedure to each of the elements in turn, from left to right. The values returned by applying the procedure to the elements are not used at all – for-each is used with procedures that perform an action, such as printing. For example,

(for-each (lambda (x) (newline) (display x))
          (list 57 321 88))
; 57
; 321
; 88

The value returned by the call to for-each (not illustrated above) can be something arbitrary, such as true. Give an implementation of for-each.


(define (for-each p ls)
    (if (null? ls)
        ((lambda (x) (p (car x)) (for-each p (cdr x))) ls)))